Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More on CAC Reunion t-shirts! - 13 T-shirts Ordered as of 15 January 2010

Pre-order T-Shirts for the reunion. Designed by our own Elena Baca. Please go to the Paypal account for ordering, on toolbar to the left. T-Shirts are white with design in the middle for women. For men the design will be on the left hand side over left breast. Will distribute t-shirts at the reunion in Houston!!

Sizes are
Men: M, L and XL
Women: S, M and Large

Friday, August 14, 2009

King Tut Putt - CAC Get Together Scramble Golf Outing - Friday - 28 May 2010

Hi, all!

Hopefully you are all planning to attend the CAC reunion in Houston on Memorial Day Weekend next year. Linda Christie Duncan and Lyle Bennett are trying to organize a golf scramble for that Friday morning (10:00 a.m. start) "King Tut Putt". There is a course near the hotel with very reasonable fees and rental clubs. Green fees and cart are $35 and club rental is $25. We are trying to gauge interest to begin planning. Even if you are not a golfer, scrambles are a lot of fun and skill isn't necessarily required (believe me, I am certain I will be the worst among us all! Honestly, I whiff putts on the Wii!). So don't let potential embarassment keep you from playing! Please let me know if you'd like to participate (with or without any guests you may bring), you can post a comment on this blog site (just hit comment below). You can contact Linda Duncan via FaceBook or else email Linda at . We will keep you posted!!!

Linda Christie Duncan

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hotel Rate: $79 / night for "Double Room"

Venue: Doubletree Hotel Houston Intercontinental Airport
15747 JFK Boulevard, Houston, Texas, USA 77032
Tel: 1-281-848-4000 Fax: 1-281-590-8461

Hotel's Site

Special Code: CIO (enter next to Group / Convention when booking online), if calling in make sure you state that you are part of the "Cairo College Reunion" to ge the special $79.00 / night rate

Special Negotiated Room Rate (Double Room): $79.00/night any night(s) from 27th to 31st May 2010

~Rates will be in effect up to 60 days, 2 months prior to event only~

May 28-31, 2010 Memorial Day Weekend!

To all the "Old" and "Young" Gang Who Attended CAC,

The CAC Get Together is now officially scheduled for the Memorial Day Weekend 2010 (weekend of 28th to 31st May 2010) at the Double Tree Intercontinental Hotel in Houston, Texas. Please join the "Group" and the "Event" - CAC Get Together - Houston, Texas - Memorial Weekend - 28 - 31May 2010

Friday Night - 28 May 2009 - 8:00 pm to 11:00 PM
"Nights in Egypt" - Official CAC Get Together Kick-off and Icebreaker - Poolside at the Double Tree Hotel - Egyptian Finger Food - Delicatable Sweets - Special Arabic Music - Belly Dancer - "Shi Sha" or "Hubbly Bubbly" Pipes and a Cash evening of connecting and "Good Times" in preparation for the "Big Bash"

Dress Code - Appropriate for Poolside and warm Houston Evenings

Saturday Night - 29 May 2009 - The "Big Bash" - Held in the main Ballroom - Double Tree Hotel - The evening will start with drinks at 7:00 pm with a full buffet dinner at 7:30 pm followed by some CAC "Fun", the start of the CAC "Idol" Competition, accompanied by a full evening of live entertainment by the spectacular "HEAT KINGS" (one of the hottest bands in the South from Jacksonville, Florida with a few key musicians straight from our CAC past), dancing, an endless loop of CAC memories in pictures, cash bars, roving photgrapher and plenty of time to re-connect with all your old friends!

Dress Code for Ballroom: Smart Casual, Egyptian Sheik (no need for tuxedos, neck ties or ball room gowns or fancy cocktail dresses)

Venue: Doubletree Hotel Houston Intercontinental Airport
15747 JFK Boulevard, Houston, Texas, USA 77032
Tel: 1-281-848-4000 Fax: 1-281-590-8461

Hotel's Site

Special Code: CIO (enter next to Group / Convention when booking online), if calling in make sure you state that you are part of the "Cairo College Reunion" to ge the special $79.00 / night rate

Special Negotiated Room Rate (Double Room): $79.00/night any night(s) from 27th to 31st May 2010

CAC Get Together Fee: $75.00/person - This covers all Egyptian food and entertinment (music, belly dancer and Shi Sha pipes) on Friday night and Buffet dinner, live band entertainment by the HEAT KINGS, photography ballroom fees, hotel wait staff, tips, special equipment rental, etc., etc.... This special fee will be paid by you via a special PayPal account set specifically for this event

Special Commemorative T-shirt the CAC Get Together - by special design and commisioned by a world renowned grapic artist - will be sold at the venue at cost of production!

Keep your eyes on this Group site to see plans as they progress!


The event is now officially launched......please join the "Group": CAC Get Together - Houston, Texas - Memorial Weekend - 28 - 31 May 2010 and then join the event>>>

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Host Hotel: Doubletree IAH

Doubletree Hotel Houston Intercontinental Airport
15747 JFK Boulevard, Houston, Texas, United States 77032
Tel: 1-281-848-4000 Fax: 1-281-590-8461

Houston CAC-ers in 2009

At Big Woodrow's

CAC at Doubletree IAH 2010

Reuniting in Houston after Cairo

Update for CAC 2010


Our small planning committee met today and we finalized plans to use the Double Tree Hotel, 15747 JFK Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77032 (phone 281-848-4000), which is located just one mile from George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) with a free airport shuttle. Part of our conversation included the allottment of planning duties for the event. Current palns are to hold a welcoming kick-off "Nights in Egypt" on Friday, 28 May 2010 from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm, followed by the real "bash" on Saturday night, 29 May 2010, from 6:30 pm till closisng time. The "Nights in Egypt" will include a gathering by the pool with Egyptian finger foods, delecitable appetizers and a Cash Bar (did I forget to mention a Belly Dancer, Egyptian Music and posibly a few Shi Sha's (hubbly bubbly) ready to smoke with the finest flavored tobacco). The "Bash" will include a full buffet dinner, cash bar, live music, entertainment, endless loop picture show and plenty of space and ample time to visit! Tentaive plans are that room rates will be specially discounted to $79.00 / night for the entire Memorial Day weekend (no one is required to stay at the hotel) and the estimated reunion fees will be $80 to $110/head (this number is highly dependent on number of attendees and our continued negotiations - all of which could drive the costs considerably lower).

Each of your names came up as someone who had volunteered to help, so we are now calling in those "markers". Our first order of business and biggest need is getting word out to as many of our classmates and teachers as possible. This goes beyond the classes of the mid 70's to the mid 80's but should include earlier classes and staff (pre mid 70's) and later classes and saff (mid 80's to present). Deirdre Sqyres Baker will lead this publicity and recruiting campaign, but seeks your help in the process. Please use this thread to post you ideas how best to spread the word, recruit attendees and report progress! So what does it take to get all the CAC youngsters and Oldsters contacted and signed up?????

I know each of you have seen our Event Site on Facebook, which we will continue to use. Poom Sunachawi-Taylor will also soon be setting up a Blog site and a PayPal to help facilitate all of this, for thos who do not use facebook. We will soon have the links set-up for making hotel reservation at the Doubletree Hotel.

Let us hear back from you soon on what you think, what you have done and how broad you have cast your net............we are of the opinion that the more the better and the funner!


Richard Lynch